Sunday, May 2, 2010


From the foam I learn there are some of the form and structure can be connected without seam,
like basic square.Also some the foam form,like Weaire–Phelan structure,an irregular pentagonal dodecahedron and a tetrakaidecahedron with 2 hexagons and 12 pentagons, again with slightly curved faces. Like “Kelvin structure”,this is the convex uniform honeycomb formed by the truncated octahedron, which is a 14-sided space-filling polyhedron (a tetrakaidecahedron), with 6 square sides and 8 hexagonal sides.

The site is 20m*20m,and the hight is 100m.I use the basic form to fill the the whole space.Because two sides of the site square is street. In order to avoid the 100-meter-high tower will bring pressure in the pedestrian,I will use grasshopper ,affect the entire geometry with a line.
form of randomly generated
Generated different sizes of cell bodies randomly, connect them together, and then export the connection point of the structure.

Next step: the point as the basic point,use braiding,weaving and bifurcation to make the surface and the structure.

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